Majorityrights News > Category: That Question Again

Group of blacks savagely beat 2 fleeing White men in East London “no-go zone”

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 April 2017 10:32.

In what is becoming a “no-go zone” for Whites in East London, a group of blacks savagely beat two Whites passing through; one White is seen sprawled unconscious while blacks gather around to snap pictures of him in his helplessly beaten, unconscious state. The few Whites passing by the event offer no help; except for one White guy who runs interference for the second victim at the end of the sequence.


Remembering The Life of ‘Mandy’

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 15:44.

Mandy taking an ‘usie’ with friend.

The Hawkeye, Remembering The Life of ‘Mandy”, 23 August 2015:

You could always find her at the Wesley serving others and surrounded by people who truly cared. Her name was Ming-Chen Hsiao, but others called her “Mandy.”

Mandy was an international student who recently graduated with her master’s degree in May. Three months later, she died from a stab wound at her apartment right off the campus.

The unfortunate incident left many shocked, especially those who knew her personally.

Tra’von Washington was a close friend of Mandy’s who said her death was almost unreal.

“I would always see her almost every day, so after a while I started wondering what was going on with her,” said Washington, a senior kinesiology major.

Washington said he was in complete disbelief once he found out he wouldn’t see Mandy again.

He said humility is one of many ways to describe the kind of life she lived.

“She was never afraid to ask for help,” said Washington. “And I feel like that’s what most people can get from Mandy.”

Here’s Mandy trying on sunglasses while shopping.

Washington said Mandy was looking for “different types” of jobs before she died and that the next chapter of her life were looking bright. He said her sudden death has taught him a valuable lesson.

“We all should just cherish our life and the people around us because we never know when that person is going to leave,” Washington said.

He misses her dearly, but he said he will continue to carry on her life example.

Kristin Gadwa said she will miss her too. She said one thing that always stood about Mandy was her heart. “She taught me how to love,” said Gadwa, director of missions at the Wesley. “It’s the biggest thing she did.”

Gadwa said she still giggles when she thinks about Mandy riding her bike into the parking lot at the Wesley. “We always knew it was her by how she rode her bike and how she held herself,” Gadwa said.

Gadwa said Mandy showed her and the Wesley family something they will never forget.

“She taught us how to serve people,” said Gadwa. “And it was a good thing for all of us to learn to do that.”

While those who remember Mandy mourn and celebrate her life, they eagerly wait to find out what exactly happened to their beloved friend.

Detective Reggie Brown of the Monroe Police Department said that details of the homicide can’t be released at this time.

“Our detectives are diligently following leads,” said Brown. “We do have some tips that could possibly help solve the case and at this time we are working hard and tirelessly to solve this case.”


Imperialist Israeli Air Force Bombs Anti-ISIS Forces in Syria

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 14:33.

NewObserver, “Israeli Air Force Bombs Anti-ISIS Forces in Syria”, 23 Apr 2017:

The Israeli Air Force has carried out two bombing raids against anti-ISIS army forces in the west of Syria as part of the [Israeli imperialist state’s] long-running campaign to disrupt the Syrian government’s military campaign against the terrorist army.

According to a report by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), a military source announced that the “Israeli enemy’s warplanes fired two missiles at 18:45 from within occupied territory at a military position in the surroundings of Khan Arnabeh in Quneitra countryside, causing material damage.”

The “occupied territory” being referred to is the Golan Heights, which Israel seized in 1967, and annexed against all international law.

The SANA report said that the Israeli “aggression came after an attempt by terrorists to infiltrate military positions in Quneitra countryside was foiled and the terrorists suffered heavy losses.”

This, SANA said, “proves that Israel provides direct support to terrorist organizations,” adding that their source “affirmed that such desperate attempts will not dissuade the Army and Armed Forces from continuing to crush the terrorist groups that act as Israel’s proxy in the area.”

A follow-up report in Al Jazeera revealed that Sunday’s attacks targeted fighters loyal to the Syrian government in the Naba al-Fawwar area of Quneitra province, which is located in the 30 percent of the Golan Heights that is not under Israeli occupation.

Three fighters from the pro-government National Defence Forces (NDF) were killed and at least two more were wounded in the attack, an NDF official said.

The terrorist armies fighting Syria’s Bashar al-Assad government and its allies control much of the Quneitra area.

Unusually, the Israeli Army confirmed that it had targeted positions inside Syria in retaliation for mortar fire that hit the northern part of the occupied Golan Heights.

“The Israeli army targeted the source of the fire,” an army statement said without giving further details.

In reality, the terrorist groups operating in the area against the Syrian government often operate close to Israeli lines—because Israel treats their wounded in hospitals inside the Jewish state, and it is therefore inevitable that the Israeli side will be hit occasionally by stray rounds.

The Israelis however always take these stray rounds as an excuse to bomb Syrian government positions.

The Jerusalem Post even admitted as much, saying that the Israeli attack was due to “errant rocket fire” caused by “fighting between Hezbollah and regime troops against rebel groups near Ain Ayshaa, Samadiniyah Sharqiyah & Madinat al-Baath near Quneitra.”

The other excuse which the Jewish [imperialist] state uses to attack the anti-ISIS forces in Syria is that they are “carrying weapons to Lebanon” to fight Israel—as if Syria could at this stage spare such military effort.

The Lebanese Hezbollah organization—most famous for defeating the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon—is one of the Syrian government’s key military allies, providing tens of thousands of troops on the ground in the fight against ISIS.

Thread Wars: Armed Reconnaissance Edition, versus EGI Notes and AWPN.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 01:19.

Disqus profile card as of 17 Apr 2017.
My Disqus profile card as of 17 Apr 2017. Follow me, I’m lots of fun.


As far as I’m aware, I’ve really made some figures in American White Nationalism upset with my latest two articles, ‘Donald Trump authorises reckless airstrikes against the legitimate government of Syria’, and ‘Silk Road News: First demonstration cargo train departs London for Yiwu, China’. But it doesn’t end there.

‘Armed recon’

It looks like my presence on Disqus comments threads has finally become the target of something resembling a rag-tag opposition. I have to say it took them long enough, given that I’ve been actively and openly voicing my opinions on that platform since Autumn 2015. Some people have now been drawn into mounting a weak and pathetic campaign against me and against generally.

Why am I jokingly calling this article ‘armed recon’ in the title? Because it has been kind of like the internet equivalent of that process, in the Vietnam era sense. See this definition:

Armed Reconnaissance: A mission with the primary purpose of locating and attacking targets of opportunity, i.e., enemy materiel, personnel, and facilities, in assigned general areas or along assigned ground communications routes, and not for the purpose of attacking specific briefed targets.

In simple terms, it means going out there and thrashing around methodically in the brush and then seeing who comes out to shoot at you and what tactics they use while doing so.

That’s basically how all this started. I offer my unvarnished and real opinion, as always, and then I see who agrees and who disagrees. Here’s an example of that:

Disqus /, ‘Trump is Trophy Hunting in North Korea’, 15 Apr 2017:

Disqus comment concerning DPRK.

And another example in a different thread:

Disqus /, ‘Meet Globalist Gary’, 14 Apr 2017:

Disqus comment concerning Gary Cohn.

These are clear stances.

What kind of person—if anyone—might appear out of the brush to tell me that I’m not allowed to hold those opinions because they are dangerous and that I had better sit down and shut my whore mouth immediately?

Well, I hit the jackpot.

Out comes Ted Sallis with an absolutely insane narrative:

Ted Sallis / EGI Notes, ‘Silk Road News: Asian Infiltration of’, 15 Apr 2017:

EGI Notes agitprop: 'Asian infiltration'.

Apparently I’ve ‘infiltrated’ by simply commenting there like anyone else can do.

Are you surprised? I’m not surprised. After I made the comment about Gary Cohn, things got slightly interesting. One of the figures who seems to be associated with the American White Pride Network ( who was commenting under the name ‘Celestial Time’, began to obliquely defend Gary Cohn and the rest of the Zionist Trump administration. Seriously, that happened. You can read the thread to see how that played out.

In summary: My assertion was that Bob Whitacker’s mantra and the ‘anti-White’ discourse concept had been appropriated by Zionist forces and used as a method for defending Zionists. Their response was to laughably claim that my viewpoint on that was in and of itself an ‘anti-White’ viewpoint.

They say that my anti-Zionism is ‘anti-White’: I fire back

The entire conversation then devolved into a handwringing crybaby session on the part of the AWPN guy, who basically proceeded to redefine ‘anti-White’ to mean any opinion which happens to hurt his feelings, or could be conceivably interpreted by other White people as being hurtful to their feelings.

That’s about as vague as the definition of ‘anti-Semitism’. Incidentally, if they had chosen to use ‘anti-Semitic’ as their accusation toward me rather than ‘anti-White’, it would have made no functional difference because both discourses are being used to defend objectively Zionist outcomes.

So I went with the ‘whisper gently into the megaphone’ approach:

Disqus /, ‘Meet Globalist Gary’, 15 Apr 2017:

Disqus comment concerning Anti-Zionism.

I am terrible, aren’t I? Profound butthurt on the part of my opponent ensued. I can’t be given a ‘free pass’ to ‘belittle’ the apparently ‘White’ people who are upset about my comments! I must be held to account!

There is an easy way to understand how that kind of surreal outcome could manifest. You only need to know that Argumentum ad Asiatica is the new Argumentum ad Hitlerum. ‘Anti-White and anti-American’ is the new ‘anti-Semitic’. Up until now, the masters of cultural critique did not have a method for shutting down Asian criticisms of Zionist policies. The rise of Trump as a Zionist, and the affinity that certain pro-White activists have for Trump, means that by some historical accident Zionism is now effectively sheltering under ‘Whiteness’ in the American context.

Anyone who doubts this only needs to watch any of the top trending videos on Rebel Media’s youtube channel, which is controlled by none other than Israeli Zionist Ezra Levant. The trend is absolutely obvious.

Donald Trump card trick

I love card tricks!

I don’t know if you’ve had fun with this article, but I have.

I once heard about something called the ‘Donald Trump card trick’. It really illustrates how the Donald Trump campaign, as well as the Alt-Right opinion leaders who supported him, have run their operation. Let’s call this trick ‘The Donald’.

Check it out, it goes something like this.

To gain admission to the show, you have to basically mortgage your entire future for a generation or more. Having done that, you are in. You do that first.

So, secondly, they open a perfectly ordinary deck of cards, and you will be shown that they are indeed all different. Let’s say that the campaign is the card trick, and let’s say that the followers and voters have been asked by Trump, to pick a card.

Trump fans the cards out, and he acts like the selection of the cards doesn’t really matter. It’s an old magician’s trick; the selection of the card actually always matters. But you have to be a certain kind of nonchalant if you want to do a force.

And so Trump says, “Pick a card.” And the voters and supporters come together and pick a card and it’s the Jack of Hearts. Trump doesn’t know that. So the Trump campaign takes the card and slides it back into the deck.

Now, don’t forget, it’s the Jack of Hearts. It’s now somewhere in the middle of the deck.

Trump then gives the cards a shuffle while he’s talking. Now, the patter does not matter, Trump can say absolutely anything that pops into his head. Let’s say, “I’ve got a perfectly ordinary deck of cards here, and Mexicans are rapists.”

And then he shuffles a little bit more, and “I still have a perfectly ordinary deck of cards here, and Asian countries are ripping us off on trade via currency manipulation.”

And then he gives them another little shuffle and puts in a little bit more misdirection, like, “I could shoot somebody on fifth avenue and I wouldn’t lose any votes”, and, “She had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever”, “They are ripping us”, and “We’re going to build a big, beautiful wall.”

And when election time comes, after all this misdirection, all this shuffling, all this handling of the cards, Trump then has the card on top.

Clean-handed, and with great flourish, he produces the card, turns it around and holds it out, and says, “Is this your card?”

And it’s the…

Eight of Spades, not the Jack of Hearts.

Because he’s a fucking idiotic Zionist tool and so are you.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.

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That’s it, who’s a good goy now?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 April 2017 20:23.

Active Measures, er, RT reports the following:

Tillerson and Lavrov

RT, ‘Highly provocative: Lavrov says agreed with Tillerson no future US strikes on Syrian govt.’, 13 Apr 2017:

Moscow and Washington have reached an understanding that further US strikes similar to the one carried out against Syria’s Shayrat Air Base “should not occur again,” the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

Lavrov emphasized that this issue was raised during his discussions with the US Secretary of State on Wednesday when Rex Tillerson was visiting Moscow.

“We have discussed this issue with the US Secretary of State in details yesterday and agreed upon the fact that a similar should not occur again,” he told journalists ahead of his meeting with his Syrian counterpart, Walid Muallem, in Moscow.

Lavrov further underlined that the US missile strike against the Shayrat Air Base played “a highly provocative role.”

He went on to say that the US confirmed its commitment to the idea that there is no other option of resolving the Syrian conflict other than the political dialog, adding that this offers hope for the future of the peace process.

“It is encouraging to some extent that Rex Tillerson confirmed yesterday that [the US still holds] the opinion that there is no alternative to the political process [of the resolution of the Syrian crisis] despite all the recent negative developments,” he said.

A “right and responsible step” is how Lavrov described the Syrian government’s decision to invite experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to conduct an investigation of the chemical weapon incident in Idlib province.

A blog called Jewish Power posted the following back on February 2016. It looks far more like prescience than conspiracy theory:

Netanyahu and Lavrov

Jewish Power, ‘Sergey Lavrov’, 13 Feb 2016:

Medvedev the Russian token Prime Minister has said a new cold war is on the horizon.

Medvedev is easy to identify as a crypto Jew.

Lavrov the foreign minister is also a Jew, no doubt he goes along with Medvedev.

Lavrov’s daughter attended Columbia University and lived in the US for a long time.

Putin’s daughter married a Jewish banker.

All the rhetoric like these comments from Medvedev-steen are just so much bullshit.

The Jews objective is to destroy Syria..via a long drawn out civil war. It does not make any difference whether it is the Americans or Russians who are bombing the long as the bombing continues.

Put it like this: The Russian government likes Russian nationalists …up to a point. However, if Russian nationalists choose to identify the role of the Jews…the Jewish oligarchs…the pillaging of Russia by Jews like Abramovich and all the rest of them…THEN something goes dramatically wrong….the nationalists start being targeted by the Russian government!!…which is just what you would expect IF Russia was controlled by the Jews…and it is.

So, as many people have pointed out…all this posturing by Russian, American, British politicians is a COMPLETE CHARADE.

Armed with this knowledge about Jewish power you can make very accurate predictions in certain areas. For example…The next president of the USA will definitely 101% be a Jew…no ifs, buts or mmaybes…the next president in the Oval Oriface will be a JEW. That is a money back guarantee of certainty.

        And remember that it was The Russian Federation that de-fanged Syria in the first place:

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks with Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar in the Jewish Museum in Moscow, Thursday, June 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Kumiko Oumae /, ‘Russia uses its leverage in the Arab world to aid Israel where it can feasibly do so.’, 10 Jun 2016:


The Jewish lobby doesn’t place all their eggs in one basket, and Russia’s economic and military connections to the Arab world can always be used as leverage to produce outcomes that are favourable to Israel.

One memorable example of this can be found during the earlier stages of the Syrian conflict in 2013, when John Kerry demanded that the government of Syria must come to the table and agree to surrender its chemical weapons and dissolve its chemical weapons battalions, thus ceding all of the strategic gains against Israel that had been secured through the development and enhancement of those weapons.

People were sceptical as to the enforceability of this demand. After all, couldn’t Syria simply go to Russia and ask to be supplied with the S-300 and some Su-30s, and thus severely decrease the ability of the United States to threaten them?

That was not to be, as Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov would ‘rise’ to Kerry’s challenge of ridding Syria of weapons within a week, by turning around and using their leverage over Syria to force them into accepting the challenge, by refusing to supply Syria with the S-300, and then brokering the handover of all Syria’s chemical weapons to the international community. [...]

Italy: 2,074 Seaborne African Invaders Land in One Day

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 April 2017 05:10.

Small boats facilitate invasion

New Observer, “Italy: 2,074 Seaborne African Invaders Land in One Day”, 15 April 2017:

The ongoing African invasion of Europe continues to speed up, with 2,074 Africans landing in Italy in just one day.

The mass invasion—by [Africans] who have absolutely no right to claim asylum anywhere, and who are motivated purely by what they can get by way of charity handouts from liberal Europeans—is aided and abetted by the “rescue” missions run by private leftist charities and naval units from various European states.

An Italian coast guard spokesman told media that on Friday last week, 19 such “rescue operations” by his nation’s coast guard, or ships operated by non-governmental organizations, had plucked the 2,074 invaders from “16 rubber dinghies and three small wooden boats.”

The fact that the Africans were in such small vessels shows once again that they do not even have to cross the Mediterranean, but only have to set sail from the coast of Libya before being picked up by the Europeans and transported in comfort and safety to Europe—instead of being dumped back on the nearby African coast as they should be.


Trump no longer appears sympathetic to student debtors

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 14 April 2017 07:29.

RevealNews, “Trump no longer appears sympathetic to student debtors”, by Lance Willams, 14 April 2017:

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said he sympathized with America’s 44 million student debtors and vowed to make their burdens easier.

The federal government should not be profiteering on the interest students pay on their federal loans, candidate Trump declared. (The U.S. will reap $66 billion in profit from student loans issued between 2007 and 2012, the Government Accounting Office says.)

Trump also promised to ensure that debt loads would be limited by students’ ability to repay. Student loans shouldn’t be “an albatross” hung for life around their necks, he said.

But since the election, the president has been quiet on student debt. And two recent moves suggest the administration is headed in the opposite direction, helping the student loan industry at the expense of borrowers. 

The most recent move came Tuesday, when Education Secretary Betsy DeVos scrapped a set of rules intended to shield borrowers from some of the worst abuses of the student debt collection industry.

Today, America’s student debt load is upward of $1.3 trillion – more than the nation’s credit card debt. As an investigation by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting concluded last year, student loans have become the worst kind of debt for Americans – and the best kind for banks and debt collectors.


WHY JOHNNY ROTTEN CAN GO F*** HIMSELF - corrected for the Jewish red cape and misdirection of terms

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 13 April 2017 07:29.

A liberal, not a leftist

MjolnrMagazine, “WHY JOHNNY ROTTEN CAN GO F*** HIMSELF”, 13 April 2017:

Never mind the bollocks, although it’s very difficult where John Lydon is concerned. John Lydon, once styled Johnny Rotten, suddenly jumped onto the Brexit and Trump bandwagons and into the headlines a couple of weeks back, which caused a bit of a stir among the chatterers of society. Over the past forty years, Lydon has been groomed as a cultural ambassador by those in power, while playing the old game that he is somehow an anti-establishment rebel. The unfortunate thing is that many on the Alt Right - rather like what happened with Donald Trump - seem to have been taken in by him, so let us take a look at this new ‘hero’ and the cultural movement known as punk at large, which John Lydon as Johnny Rotten represented.

This could be a good article if corrected for the Jewish red cape and its misdirection into rightism or the “no left (social unionization) or right” reaction by contrast. I will add some annotation that would have helped a better telling of the story.

Let us begin with Lydon’s origins and rise, for these are intertwined with the punk phenomenon at large. Lydon’s immediate heritage is Irish, hence the title of his autobiography: Rotten: No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs - the title being based on a typical sign on properties to let in the 1950s. The ‘No Irish’ part, which may look strange to us today, can be explained by the IRA terrorism of the time and also by the behaviour of Irish gypsies, otherwise known as Travellers. I remember in the good old days before political correctness, many public houses and inns would have signs on the entrance saying ‘No Travellers’.

It is clear, then, from the book’s title that he identifies his own purported second-class citizen status with that of the Negro, who, at the time of Lydon’s birth, had only been in the country in any meaningful sense for barely a decade. This has extended to raising his elderly wife’s half-caste grandchildren like a good little cuck. He has always identified himself with the Other and has an Irish rather than British passport to foreground his at least civic otherness. He therefore also identifies himself as working class in a Marxian sense, his idea of working class as being antagonistic to traditional British and even European norms. He talks about being purportedy working class at every given opportunity.

(((McLaren))), the YKW behind punk and its “ideology”

Certainly, his parents were working class, but is Lydon? There are two ironies here: the first is that he has married Nora Forster, a German publishing heiress fourteen years his senior; the second is that he has never done a working-class job in his life, manager Malcolm McLaren having turned him into a pop singer at the age of eighteen. Lydon is as bourgeois as they come. Indeed, it is telling that the venue for the very first Sex Pistols concert was St Martin’s Art College, about as middle-class as one can get. I must point out that I have nothing against anyone who is born into one class or another, but John Lydon has spent his entire life sneering at the middle classes despite his own bourgeois existence.

As regards that sneer - and the sneer worn by punks in general - one must look at the chief architect of punk rock itself, Malcolm McLaren. Born into a family of Jewish diamond merchants on his mother’s side and raised by his Jewish grandmother, McLaren was heavily influenced at art college by the Situationist avant-garde movement, led by French Communist Guy Debord and his Jewess wife Michèle Bernstein. On the artistic level, Situationism was a Leftist attack on the arts through absurdist or provocative happenings that deconstructed traditional norms and underpinned the May 1968 cultural revolution in France and Germany. The ultimate goal was to normalise the idea of a dictatorship of the proletariat.

We need to pause in the article here. Whenever you see a situation where Jews, Whether Marx, The Frankfurt School or McLaren, are defining a movement, its terms and their deployment, that should send up immediate red flags that the protection and interests of the native European nationalist union is not at heart - on the contrary, coalitions and anarchist forces are being drummed-up to attack these interests, terms are being reversed from their normalizing semantic content in order to confuse - the leftist unionization for fair treatment of workers; to protect them against scab labor (including migrants), to allow them to function unexploited alongside other vital functions/roles of society, is absurdly confounded with liberalism - with scabbing, dissolution of accountability, degeneracy of vital functions - not all of which can be captured by a “dictatorship of the proletariat” - a non genetic, economic group by Jewish design; and in opposition to the genetic union of the nation by contrast. That said, lets continue to look at the Jewish boondoggle against native nationalism that was Punk…

McLaren’s store

Starting with the shop that became SEX, a fetishwear retailer co-managed with fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, McLaren applied this ideology firstly to clothing and then to music. Clothing included t-shirts with two homosexual cowboys naked from the waist down and red leather fetishwear emblazoned with the hammer and sickle for the New York Dolls. John Lydon, a young nihilistic eighteen-year-old without any discernable talent but self-defined by what he hated, fit the bill perfectly for McLaren’s new musical project. Lydon could not sing a note in tune, but this was a plus point, as was his green hair, overall ugliness and ‘I hate Pink Floyd’ t-shirt.

The story of Glen Matlock within the band is interesting. The only member who could actually play to a good level, he was ousted when McLaren caused friction between Matlock and Rotten. This made way for the talentless drug addict known as Sid Vicious. Matlock co-wrote all but a handful of the band’s songs and was just too good for a band with the intention of marketing crap to the masses. McLaren also set up post-punk band Bow Wow Wow, with its thirteen-year-old half-caste lead singer, Annabella Lwin, born Myant Myant Aye to a Burmese father and English mother. Lwin appeared naked on Bow Wow Wow’s debut album as McLaren assaulted traditional norms with miscegenation and child pornography. You will never watch the video to McLaren’s single ‘Double Dutch’ in the same way again.

Lydon is very fond of telling how he exposed Jimmy Savile as a paedophile. It is interesting though that he has tried to ban the recording of his comments back in 1978 from public usage in order to sell them as part of his latest album. Ever the altruist. He has also always been suspiciously quiet about his own ex-manager McLaren’s involvement in the world of paedophilia. Financed by both the BBC, under the auspices of (((Alan Yentob))), and EMI, in 1980 McLaren began creating an ostensibly music-related magazine that would be a more risqué version of Smash Hits, which had just been launched two years previously. In reality, the publication, originally titled Playkids, but then changed to Chicken, would serve to get child pornography into the mainstream. McLaren attempted to get the aforementioned Annabella Lwin to do a full-frontal nude shoot, but after she became distressed and tearful, brought in a replacement thirteen-year-old girl. Fortunately, enough concerns about the magazine ensured its shelving.

Punk rock was essentially a perversion of pub rock for middle-class Leftists.

Correction: Punk rock was perversion of pub rock as a vehicle to enlist naive/disingenuous middle-class liberals into rebellion against native nationalism.

For all the talk of it being a roots, working-class movement that ‘just sprang up’, it was in reality orchestrated by middle-class communists, who used a (sometimes miscegenated) underclass rabble as a musical battering ram against traditional norms. Pub rock, with bands like early Slade, Captain Beefheart, The Who and The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, was what punk rock purported to be.

I’ve seen both the Who and Captain Beefheart, have enjoyed them both - particularly Captain Beefheart on album - but they shouldn’t be accorded undue philosophical significance and authenticity (as they tend to be accorded).

Incidentally, my father rated the latter as the best live band he had ever seen. Bands like the Sex Pistols were fawned over by the Leftist media

Fawned over by the Jewish and (what is for us) liberal media.

and catapulted into the mainstream, while Beefheart and Harvey remained genuinely underground.

Beefheart’s producers tried very hard to make him a commercial success; it wasn’t in his nature to be commercial - it was just the opposite.

And therefore I say to Johnny Rotten in a style he might appreciate: Go fuck yourself, you fake posturing establishment shill.

That I can agree with. Good ending to the story.

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Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:57. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:47. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Milleniyule 2023' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:14. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 01:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:02. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Dec 2023 07:25. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 16 Dec 2023 04:08. (View)

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